“Throughout your design project, you’ll have family, a team of professionals, and guests come and go through your home. Relax, there are steps you can take to make sure your home doesn’t look like it’s under construction”
Steps you can take to live through the remodel
Create a Clean Work Area
Save the professionals time by cleaning out the old cabinets, closets and the pathway to and around the work area before the project begins. Relocate or pack away any items in and around the work areas that you don’t want to accidently get damaged such as valuables, photos, artwork, etc.
Seal off your rooms
Ask your construction manager to block off the construction zone with plastic sheets and heating return and supply vents in the room with construction covers. Since dust will filter throughout the home, cover carpeting with plastic sheets and protect large pieces of furniture with sheets or blankets.
Identify the Tradesmen work zone
At the beginning of the project decide which rooms that the tradesmen will be working in and how much access they will have to the rest of the house. For example,
• What room do you prefer he/she use as a preparation/staging area for finished material installation?
This willl most likely be the room where your finished materials and/or new cabinets are stored.
• Is there space in the garage for the tradesmen to set up tools and cutting materials? This will help
minimize dust filtering through the home.
• Will you provide him with a house key for a project lock box?
• Which bathroom should the tradesmen use?
Identify the rooms that will be accessible throughout the renovation
Determine how you and your family will get around your house. If the room being renovated is a major access point, you will need to create a detour through nearby rooms during work hours or use a secondary entrance.
Keep your feet covered
Your house may become a mini construction site filled with tools and nails during the renovation. To avoid injuries and keep your family safe, wear a pair shoes indoors during the remodel and outdoors if necessary.
Keep the receipts together in one file
Whether it’s your main contract, material selections, cabinets, new appliances, light fixtures or paint - keep all of your receipts together.
Create a Photo Journal
Track the progress of your installation with photos and notes that documents progress. This will be a great keepsake to show guests after the project has been completed and they’re enjoying your new space.